The Middle East Information Network is an American organization based in Boston, MA. We are a small group dedicated to providing accurate and comprehensive information about the Middle East. We are non-partisan, meaning we do not take sides. We believe that all groups, faiths, and people should be given equal representation here. We strive to break down the barriers and stereotypes that have been created about the people of the Middle East. Our primary mission is education.
As the Internet has been growing, there has been a lack of comprehensive, quality information about the Middle East. There are many sites that deal with Arab issues, Israeli issues, Muslim, etc. It is our hope to unite the best of these sites and develop a unique platform for research and general interest. It is our goal to provide you with the best the Internet has to offer in the way of web sites, accurate and clear information about the Middle East, and to provide an opportunity for you to express your ideas and thoughts.
We are a small organization, but we're growing every day. In the year we have been on the web, we have had visitors from over 72 countries, and the list of our visitors is growing every day. As such, what we can offer you is growing as well. We started with just a news page and a small number of links to country information. We now offer information about education, business, religion, a library and a variety of others.
It is our mission to offer what you want. Through our Guestbook, or our Add URL features you can tell us what you would like to see, or what we can do better. Please feel free to email, fax, or write to us at any time, with any suggestions you have.
We hope you enjoy the Middle East Information Network. Please visit often, we are constantly improving and you never know what you may find!
Thank you.
The people of the Middle East Information Network.