barak2.jpg (39804 bytes)   Ehud Barak (Campaign Website)

Party Affiliation: One Israel/Labor : Moderate, left of center

Born: 1942 in Mishmar Hasharon, Israel

Education:  BS, Physics and mathematics, Hebrew University
                   MA, Systems Analysis, Stanford University

Professional Experience:  1959-1983- Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)
                                        1983-1985- Director of Aman (Military Intelligence)

                                               1985-1987- OC Central Command
                                        1987-1991- Deputy Chief of the General Staff
                                        1991-1995- Chief of Staff, Israeli Defense Forces
                                        1995-1996- Interior Minister, Foreign Minister
                                        1996-1999- Leader, Labor Party
                                        1999-2000- Prime Minister

Background: Barak is the most decorated officer in the Israeli Defense Forces. Drafted into the army in 1959, he served in the Armored Corps. Barak was active in Mossad operations in Beirut in 1973 where 15 PLO commanders were killed. Appointed head of the Planning Division in the General Staff, Barak commanded the Lebanon Valley force during the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. While serving as Deputy Chief of Staff in 1988 Barak returned to Intelligence service during the Mossad operations against PLO military commanders in Tunis. In 1995 Barak met with Syria's military commanders in Washington as part of the bilateral talks between Israel and Syria. Barak left the IDF in 1995 and later that same year became the Interior Minister under Yitzhak Rabin. Following Rabin's assassination, Barak served as Shimon Peres' Foreign Minister. Barak joined the Knesset in 1996 as a minister and was elected the party's leader in 1997. Barak was elected Prime Minister in 1999.

Barak is married and has three children.

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