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The Results of the May 17th election of the 15th Knesset of Israel

The Race for Prime Minister

Ehud Barak (Labor/ One Israel)  56%
Biyamin Netanyahu (Likud) 43.9%


The Polling for the 15th Knesset

One Israel (Labor) 27 Seats
Likud 19 Seats
Shas 17 Seats
Meretz 9 Seats
Yisrael Ba'aliya 7 Seats
National Religious Party 5 Seats
Shinui 6 Seats
Center 6 Seats
National Unity (Molodet/Herut/Tekuma) 5 Seats
Hadash 3 Seats
Balad 2 Seats
Ra'am 5 Seats
Yisrael Beiteinu 4 Seats
Pnina Rosenblum 0 Seats
One People 2 Seats

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