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Below are the results of our poll for the Prime Minister of Israel. We recieved votes from around the world over the last week. This poll is not meant to be scientific, nor does it reflect the real election results in Israel. If a run-off vote is necessary we will hold another poll later this week.
Thank you for your participation.

Results of the Poll for the Prime Minister of Israel

Ehud Barak (One Israel/ Labor) 60.7%
Ze'ev Begin (Herut) 3.4%
Azmi Bishara (Balad) 11.2%
Yitzhak Mordechai (Center) 3.4%
Binyamin Netanyahu (Likud) 21.3%


Results of the Poll for the future of Palestine

An Autonomous Palestine within Israel 27%
An Independent Palestinian State 52.7%
A Palestine-Jordan Confederation 20.3%

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