Our twin missions of remaining non-partisan in our presentation, and presenting the "best of the best," mean we need to outside advisors. These individuals make sure we continue to present accurate and quality information for your use. They are:

Dr. Denis J. Sullivan -- Dr. Sullivan (Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1987) is the Chairman of the Department of Political Science and Director of International Affairs at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. His books include (co-author with Sana Abed-Kotob) (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999); (Jerusalem: Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs, 1995); and (University Press of Florida, 1994). Professor Sullivan was Visiting Researcher at Bir Zeit University, Ramallah, Palestine (1995-96) and at Cairo University (1990-91) and has taught at the American University in Cairo (1990-91).

Dr. R. Daniel Tschirgi -- A professor of Political Science at the American University in Cairo. His books include (Greenwood Publishing, 1998, with Ann Mosely Lesch), (Editor, Lynne Rienner Publishing, 1994), and (Praeger Pub., 1989). 

Dr. Akel Ismail Kahera -- (Ph.D. Princeton University, 1997), Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin; Areas: Islamic Studies, History, Theory and Criticism, Architecture in Non-Western Societies, Islamic Architecture, Design and Urban Design, Sustainable Architecture.

Dr. Akel Kahera has been a practicing architect for over 23 years with extensive experience in the Middle East. Dr. Kahera has also been teaching at various institutions in the USA for more than ten years. He was most recently a consultant to Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Humanitarian city project in Riyadh Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Kahera has also published numerous articles on architecture, Islam, law and habitat and presented numerous invited papers, lectures and presentations at international symposiums, most recently at the IASTE (International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments) conference in Cairo.

He is currently the president of TAMES (Texas Association of Middle East Studies) and chairs the departmental committee on Islamic Studies. He advises graduate students working on thesis topics and research related methodology apropos to his areas of expertise.