Endnotes for "Islam's Rise in the Turkish Republic"
1. Ismael, Tareq Y. and Jacqueline S. Ismael, Politics and government in the Middle East and North Africa. Florida International University Press, Miami, 1991. pg. 93.
2. Ibid. pg. 99.
3. Owen, Roger, State, Power and Politics in the making of the Modern Middle East. Routledge Press, London, 1992. pgs. 128-130.
4. Heper, Metin and Ahmet Evin, State, Democracy and the Military: Turkey in the 1980s. Walter de Gruyter Press, Berlin, 1988. pg. 122.
5. Ibid. pg. 132.
6. Couturier, Herve, Islamist Leader Formidable Politician. Middle East Times, 31 Dec. 1995, page 6.
7. Ibid.
8. Kazziha, Walid, Islamic Militancy: A Politico-Social Interpretation. Unpublished Essay, The American University in Cairo, 1996.
9. Salamé, Ghassan, Democracy without Democrats? The renewal of politics in the Muslim world. I.B. Tauris Press, 1994. pg. 291.
10. Ibid. pg. 290-292.