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Islam.jpg (2099 bytes)

, Abdullah Yusuf Ali.

- , by Elizabeth Warnock Fernea ()

, by Denis J. Sullivan & Sana Abed-Kotob

- , by John Esposito (stars-5-0.gif (240 bytes))

- (stars-4-5.gif (242 bytes))

- , by Gilles Kepel (stars-3-0.gif (278 bytes))

- , by V.S. Naipaul (stars-3-5.gif (290 bytes))

- , by John Esposito (stars-4-5.gif (242 bytes))

- , Olivier Roy, Carol Volk, translator (stars-2-5.gif (283 bytes)) new1.gif (2689 bytes)

-, by Fatima Mernissi 

- , by Akbar S. Ahmed

Judaism.jpg (2820 bytes)

- ,
by Wayne D. Dosick (stars-5-0.gif (240 bytes))

- , by Milton Steinberg (stars-5-0.gif (240 bytes))

- , by Arthur Hertzberg, Aron Hirt-Manheimer (stars-5-0.gif (240 bytes))

- , by David C. Gross

- , by Jeffrey M. Cohen

- , by Harvey Lutske

- , by Inga Clendinnen (stars-3-0.gif (278 bytes))

- , by Gene Church (stars-5-0.gif (240 bytes))

Christian.jpg (3519 bytes)

The Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt:

-, by Christian Cannuyer 

, by Edward Wakin 

-, by Otto Meinardus 

-, by Otto Meinardus

-, by Gawdat Gabra 

- (stars-4-0.gif (278 bytes)) by Jill Kamil

- (stars-4-0.gif (278 bytes)) by John Dart, Ray Riegert, and John Dominic Crossan

- , by Thomas O. Lambdin

The Syrian Orthodox Church:

, by Andrew Palmer

, by Touma al-Khoury

, by Touma al-Khoury

The Maronite Catholic Church:

, by Dominic F. Ashkar, PhD.

, by Edgar O'Ballance

, by Kamal Suleiman Salibi

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