The Interim Constitution of the State of Iraq (in English or in Arabic) (also in .pdf format English or Arabic)
The Kingdom of Bahrain (in .pdf format, passed 2/14/02) (Click here for the old Constitution)
The State of Kuwait
The Republic of Lebanon
Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
The Kingdom of Morocco
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The Republic of Syria
The Charter of the Palestine Liberation Organization
Amnesty International Country Reports  (in pdf format from )
Algeria Libya
Bahrain Morocco
Egypt Palestinian National Authority
Iran Qatar
Iraq Syria
Israel Tunisia
Jordan Turkey
Kuwait United Arab Emirates
Lebanon Yemen
--The 1993 Declaration of Principles (Oslo Accords), between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization
--The Taif Agreement (Ending the Lebanese Civil War) 
--The Treaty of Peace between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the State of Israel
March 26, 1979
(From the archives of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 
--The Washington Declaration (Israel-Jordan-US) 7/25/94 (From the archives of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
--The Treaty of Peace between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
(From the archives of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
--A Framework for Peace between Israel and Syria (As printed in the Ha'aretz newspaper, confirmed by all parties.)
Historical Documents
The Sykes-Picot Agreement, 1916 (League of Nations Archives)
The Balfour Declaration, 1917 (League of Nations Archives)
The British White Paper, 1922 (League of Nations Archives)
The Palestine Mandate, 1922 (League of Nations Archives)
Israeli-Palestinian Materials
--The 2003 Draft Geneva Peace Accord (also available in Hebrew or in French)
--The "Roadmap to Peace" June 24, 2003 (.pdf version) 
--Report of the Sharm al-Sheikh Committee ("Mitchell Report") April 30, 2001
--Text of the 2000 Arab Summit Resolution, 21 October 2000  
--The Original Charter of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) (From the archives of the Palestinian National Authority)
--The Wye River Memorandum October 23, 1998 (From the archives of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
--The Grapes of Wrath Agreement between Israel and Lebanon  April 26, 1996 (From the archives of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
United Nations Resolutions
 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441, November 8, 2002- Regarding Iraq and Inspections and Weapons of Mass Destruction
--United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 November 22, 1967 -Addresses the Inadmissibility of the Acquisition of territory by war. The fundamental resolution in the ongoing Arab-Israeli peace process. (UN Archives).
--United Nations Security Council Resolution 338 - Cease fire for the 1973 war. (UN Archives) 
Special Reports
Redress: Reparations for Torture in Iraq (in English), also available in Arabic (in .pdf format) 
--Secretary Albright's speech regarding US-Iranian relations. 
March 17, 2000
(from the State Dept. Press Office)
--A letter from H.E. President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt to the people of the U.S.
March 27, 2000
(from the America OnLine network.) 


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