Government & Politics Non-Governmental Organizations
Permanent Mission to the United Nations Libyan-American Friendship Association
The Green Book of Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi Shu'un Libiyah
Political Organizations Green Charter International
Libyan Democrats Society
Libyan Islamic Group (in Arabic) Education
National Front for the Salvation of Libya The Society for Libyan Studies
Agricultural Research Center
On-Line Resources National Center for Research 
& Scientific Studies
al-Sidra Online Magazine    
My   Travel & Tourism  
Libya On-Line Committee for Tourism
Libyan Arts, Music & Literature Shati Zuara Libyan Tourism  
Library of Congress 
Country Study of Libya
Azar Libya Travel & Tours
  Arkno Tours
Business & Industry  
General Pipe Company
Libyan Iron and Steel Company

Books about Libya: Check out our selections or :

, by Antonio Di Vita, Ginette Divita-Evrard, Lidiano Bacchielli (Photographer) ()

, by Dirk Vandewalle ()

, by Guy Arnold ()

, by Mansour O. El-Kikhia ()

, by Publications Lerner

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