Have an opinion to share? Written an essay lately?
Send it to us and we may just put it on the site!
The Middle East Information Network, Inc. is now accepting writing samples from our readers to be published in the Library. We are primarily interested in editorials or essays that you may have written for school or work. There are no requirements, any topic that interests you, may interest others, and therefore we will post here for people to read.
There are, of course, rules. Essays should be no more than 10-15 pages printed and must be cited appropriately. Footnotes or endnotes are preferable and must be clear and accurate. Editorials should cite any large copied sections of other people's works or comments.
We are a non-partisan service. This means we do not take sides. However, we do put limits on what we allow to be published. Written works should not be hateful, do not attack certain people because of their race, religion, or culture. Violent or inciteful commentary will not be published. We maintain the right to refuse any piece that does not match our editorial criteria. This does not mean you cannot be critical, simply keep it in the realm of good taste. Ethnic, racial, or slanderous commentary will not be tolerated and will be grounds for works not to be published.
We prefer your writing to be in Word format. The fastest way to get it to us is to email our editor at . You can also fax your work to us at . As a last resort you can mail it to us via ground or air mail, however, it will be a while before such works can be published on site. The officers and editors of the Middle East Information Network maintain the right to edit and/or make corrections to errors or format problems in your works.
This is your chance. If you have something to say, we help you get the message out. Readers from around the world will see you work. If you're up to the job, we can get you started...
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at:
We hope to hear from you soon!