Following Prime Minister Barak's resignation, the Israeli Central Elections Committee has decided that the elections for the new Prime Minister will be held on February 6, 2001.
The Main candidates for the post will be Ehud Barak and Likud Minister Ariel Sharon.

It seems that the central issue for the election campaigns will be the future of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Mr. Barak sees the coming vote as a popular referendum of his policies towards peace with the Palestinians. Beyond this topic, both candidates have different visions of the future of the Jewish state.

Below is information on the candidates and their party platforms.

Click on the candidate's picture for more information.

Ehud Barak
One Israel/ Labor

Ariel Sharon

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Election Page

Ha'aretz Newspaper Special Election Page

Political Parties and Non-Governmental Organizations

Political Parties Non-Governmental Organizations
One Israel / Labor Peace Now
Likud New Israel Fund
Meretz Israeli Democracy Institute
National Religious Party (NRP) Peres Center for Peace
Herut American Israeli Public Affairs Committee

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