The Library is the Middle East Information Network "Area of Expression."
The Document Room is a vital tool for research of the Middle East.

Various treaties, charters, and such are stored here.

Select an Author: 

-Visit the Document Room- a collection of treatises, referendums and resolutions that have directly affected the Middle East.

From the "grapevine..." (Articles borrowed or sent from other sources)
The Paradoxes of Israel, by John Chuckman (from
America's Bravest, by Gabriel Ash (from
In Memoriam, by Emad J. Freitekh (from Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
by Edward S. Graham: Mr. Graham is the Owner of the Middle East Information Network
-A Moment's Reflection (regarding Yasser Arafat)
-Na´ve about Pollard?  
-A Future without a future?  
by Samar Abdul-Hadi: Ms. Abdul-Hadi is a Planning and Event Specialist for the American Near East Refugee Aid in Jerusalem.
-Delusional Myth
by Dr. Denis J. Sullivan: Dr. Sullivan is the Chairman of the Political Science Department at Northeastern University in Boston.
-NGOs and Development in the Arab World: The Critical Importance of a Strong Partnership between Government and Civil Society.     
by Dr. Cyril Widdershoven: Dr. Widdershoven is the Chief Editor of in Cairo, Egypt.
Caspian Oil and Iran (6/2/01)
Caspian Oil to the West (6/2/01)
American-Russian relations, presenting energy challenges? (6/2/01)
Deepwater development entering the North Africa region. (6/2/01)
Libyan adventures under pressure? (6/2/01)
LNG ruling the world? OPEC losing grip. (6/2/01)
New Policy for Oil Exploration in Jordan (6/2/01)
OPEC struggling with international conditions. (6/2/01)
Stability Awaiting? OPEC's production cut worries the West. (6/2/01)
by Ms. Edna Yaghi: Ms. Yaghi is an American author living in Amman, Jordan.
You have made me your human bomb, by Edna Yaghi (8/28/01)
Death in the Heart of Jerusalem, by Edna Yaghi (8/28/01)
My Birthday Wish, by Edna Yaghi (4/28/01)
Outcome of the Arab Summit, by Edna Yaghi (4/28/01)  
Time to Stop the Slaughter of Iraqis, by Edna Yaghi (4/28/01)  
Solomon's Baby, by Edna Yaghi (6/1/01) 
The Making of a Suicide Bomber, by Edna Yaghi (6/1/01) 



Memories of Egypt

For you..., by Jason Barry
Road Trip, by Jason Barry

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