The Middle East Information Network, Inc. Mailing List
Volume 1, Issue 1, June 22, 1999

Who are we?

So just who are we and what do we do? Over the last six months people have thought we were Israeli, Turkish, Saudi Arabian, Iranian, Egyptian, and Lebanese. The truth is the company is based in the United States.

The Middle East Information Network is an American Non-Profit company based in Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States. We are a small group dedicated to providing accurate and comprehensive information about the Middle East. We are non-partisan, meaning we do not take sides. We believe that all groups, faiths, and cultures of the Middle East should be given equal representation here. We strive to break down barriers and stereotypes that have been created about the people of the Middle East. Our primary mission is education.

As the Internet grows every day, there has been a lack of comprehensive, accurate information about the Middle East. There are many sites that deal with Arab issues, Israeli issues, Muslim, etc. It is our hope to unite the best of these sites and develop a unique platform for research and general interest. It is our goal to provide you with the best the Internet has to offer in the way of web sites, accurate and clear information about the Middle East, and to provide an opportunity for you to express your ideas and thoughts. We use the academic standard definition of the Middle East, which includes North Africa, Turkey, and Iran.

We are a small company, but we're growing every day. In the six months we have been on the web, we have had visitors from over 43 countries, and the list of our visitors is growing every day. As such, what we can offer to you is growing as well. We started with just a news page and a small number of links to country information. We now offer information about education, business, religion, a library and a variety of others. In the next few weeks we hope to add chat-rooms for our visitors, advertising possibilities, travel information, in-depth cultural resources, and much more!

It is our mission to offer what you want. Through our Guestbook, or our Add URL features you can tell us what you would like to see, or what we can do better. Please feel free to email, fax, or write to us at any time, with any suggestions you have.

We hope you enjoy the Middle East Information Network. Please visit often, we are constantly improving, you never know what you may find!

Thank you.
Edward Graham, Executive Director

Have you visited the Library?

The Library serves our area of personal expression. It is here that we let you know our views on issues affecting the Middle East. The Library is made up of editorials, essays, and research projects that we think might interest you. The opinions expressed in the Library reflect the opinions of the individual authors. No article posted should be considered company policy, unless it is stated as such.

As many of you know we are a small company, and trying to maintain an active web site and keep the Library is a difficult task. But, you can help! The Middle East Information Network, Inc. is looking for volunteer writers. We are now accepting writing samples from our readers to be published in the Library. We are primarily interested in editorials or essays that you may have written for school or work. There are no requirements, any topic regarding the Middle East that interests you, may interest others, we will post here for people to read. Current issues, historical issues and the like are accepted.

There are, of course, rules. Essays should be no more than 10-15 pages printed and must be cited appropriately. Footnotes or endnotes are preferable and must be clear and accurate. In-work citations are acceptable. Editorials should cite any large copied sections of other people's works or comments. Works submitted with obvious citations that do not follow these requirements will not be considered for publishing.

We are a non-partisan service. This means we do not take sides. However, we do put limits on what we allow to be published. Written works should not be hateful, do not attack certain people because of their race, religion, or culture. Violent or inciteful commentary will not be published. We maintain the right to refuse any piece that does not match our editorial criteria. This does not mean you cannot be critical, simply keep it in the realm of good taste. Ethnic, racial, or slanderous commentary will not be tolerated and will be grounds for works not to be published.

We prefer your writing to be in Microsoft Word format, but do accept WordPerfect and text formats. The fastest way to get it to us is to email our editor at . You can also fax your work to us at (01) 603-676-9506. As a last resort you can mail it to us via ground or airmail, however, it will be a while before such works can be published on site. Please see our contact page for address information. The officers and editors of the Middle East Information Network maintain the right to edit and/or make corrections to errors or format problems in your works.

This is your chance. If you have something to say, we help you get the message out. Readers from around the world will see you work. If you're up to the job, we can get you started...

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at: 

We hope to hear from you soon!

Tell us what you think!

What do you like about the site? What do you hate about the site? Well in addition to the Guestbook, now we have a survey where you can tell us what you think and how you feel! Fill it out at:

Education, Humanitarianism, Charity

As we said, our primary mission is education about the Middle East. However, as a Non-Profit company we have also taken on the mission of public fund-raising and charity. It is our intention to begin a series of funds to support different causes in, and benefiting, the Middle East. Our initial fund raising event was for the Noor al-Hussein Foundation/ King Hussein Memorial Fund in Jordan to benefit under-privileged families and children.

Our second mission is the ongoing Kosovo Emergency Fund. While not specifically a Middle Eastern issue, it was our belief that global reaction was necessary to help the situation. If you can help us in this very important task, please visit . Future funds will be established to benefit societies and organizations in Palestine, Algeria, and others.

Our company itself is a Non-profit organization, which means we rely primarily on the kindness of others. If you are interested in helping us continue our mission, please contact us at . Thank you.

Under Construction

As you have probably noticed, many pages on our site are being changed, or change frequently. This is necessary to bring you the best we can offer. Recently the Bookstore was closed for a short period. It is now open, but in a limited form. We are hard at work to expand and improve the offerings we make to you. In the mean time, please feel free to browse Amazon.coms offerings from our site.

We will post early notices if pages are to be taken down and we will tell you when we think they will be back up. We hope not to inconvenience you in any way, but hope that our improvements to the site will also improve the services you receive from us. Thanks for your patience.

That will do it for our first edition of the Mailing List. We hope to make this a more frequent feature, and future editions, will be shortened interactive versions to save your disk space. Please let us know if there is something you would like to see included in future mailings.

Thank you for you interest in the Middle East Information Network. We will continue or mission of education and excellence in information about the Middle East. We hope you will continue to visit us. Thank you.

Edward Graham
Executive Director, Middle East Information Network, Inc.

Ó 1999-2000 The Middle East Information Network, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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